downeyjred: “The test screenings. Yeah… We did two separate test screens. One for adults, which went great. One for kids, which went even better. And then Disney gave me a comment card that they had framed.” (x)
downeyjred: “The test screenings. Yeah… We did two separate test screens. One for adults, which went great. One for kids, which went even better. And then Disney gave me a comment card that they had framed.” (x)
downeyjred: “The test screenings. Yeah… We did two separate test screens. One for adults, which went great. One for kids, which went even better. And then Disney gave me a comment card that they had framed.” (x)
downeyjred: “The test screenings. Yeah… We did two separate test screens. One for adults, which went great. One for kids, which went even better. And then Disney gave me a comment card that they had framed.” (x)
downeyjred: “The test screenings. Yeah… We did two separate test screens. One for adults, which went great. One for kids, which went even better. And then Disney gave me a comment card that they had framed.” (x)