xshayarsha: Maker: Master of the Furies (Austrian)Date: 17th centuryCulture: Austrian, Salzburg As protector of potential plague victims and soldiers, Saint Sebastian (died ca. 288) was popular with the faithful. The emphasis is on the saint’s God-given
xshayarsha: Maker: Master of the Furies (Austrian)Date: 17th centuryCulture: Austrian, Salzburg As protector of potential plague victims and soldiers, Saint Sebastian (died ca. 288) was popular with the faithful. The emphasis is on the saint’s God-given
xshayarsha: Maker: Master of the Furies (Austrian)Date: 17th centuryCulture: Austrian, Salzburg As protector of potential plague victims and soldiers, Saint Sebastian (died ca. 288) was popular with the faithful. The emphasis is on the saint’s God-given
xshayarsha: Maker: Master of the Furies (Austrian)Date: 17th centuryCulture: Austrian, Salzburg As protector of potential plague victims and soldiers, Saint Sebastian (died ca. 288) was popular with the faithful. The emphasis is on the saint’s God-given