valnoressa: ethilya: Received my first bit of hate today! I’m proud. When you get haters you know you’re doing something right. Love you too Anathemal! <3 On the flipside, this person is right. It is a FANTASY setting. Do whatever you want. They’re
valnoressa: ethilya: Received my first bit of hate today! I’m proud. When you get haters you know you’re doing something right. Love you too Anathemal! <3 On the flipside, this person is right. It is a FANTASY setting. Do whatever you want. They’re
valnoressa: ethilya: Received my first bit of hate today! I’m proud. When you get haters you know you’re doing something right. Love you too Anathemal! <3 On the flipside, this person is right. It is a FANTASY setting. Do whatever you want. They’re