sci-universe: The series “Gotham 7.5K” by photographer and filmmaker Vincent Laforet really show how great our imaging technology has got: he captured those absolutely stunning high-altitude photos of New York City at night on a helicopter. Cameras
sci-universe: The series “Gotham 7.5K” by photographer and filmmaker Vincent Laforet really show how great our imaging technology has got: he captured those absolutely stunning high-altitude photos of New York City at night on a helicopter. Cameras
sci-universe: The series “Gotham 7.5K” by photographer and filmmaker Vincent Laforet really show how great our imaging technology has got: he captured those absolutely stunning high-altitude photos of New York City at night on a helicopter. Cameras
sci-universe: The series “Gotham 7.5K” by photographer and filmmaker Vincent Laforet really show how great our imaging technology has got: he captured those absolutely stunning high-altitude photos of New York City at night on a helicopter. Cameras
sci-universe: The series “Gotham 7.5K” by photographer and filmmaker Vincent Laforet really show how great our imaging technology has got: he captured those absolutely stunning high-altitude photos of New York City at night on a helicopter. Cameras
sci-universe: The series “Gotham 7.5K” by photographer and filmmaker Vincent Laforet really show how great our imaging technology has got: he captured those absolutely stunning high-altitude photos of New York City at night on a helicopter. Cameras