thecreach: bogleech: burst-command-till-leather: Lovecraft personal idea sketches for “At The Mountains Of Madness”. I had no idea he ever drew an Elder Thing. It’s pretty much the same as Wayne Barlowe’s. I like the thing he scratched
thecreach: bogleech: burst-command-till-leather: Lovecraft personal idea sketches for “At The Mountains Of Madness”. I had no idea he ever drew an Elder Thing. It’s pretty much the same as Wayne Barlowe’s. I like the thing he scratched
thecreach: bogleech: burst-command-till-leather: Lovecraft personal idea sketches for “At The Mountains Of Madness”. I had no idea he ever drew an Elder Thing. It’s pretty much the same as Wayne Barlowe’s. I like the thing he scratched
thecreach: bogleech: burst-command-till-leather: Lovecraft personal idea sketches for “At The Mountains Of Madness”. I had no idea he ever drew an Elder Thing. It’s pretty much the same as Wayne Barlowe’s. I like the thing he scratched