rhaegartarqaryen-deactivated201: Mythology Meme: (3/6) Muses and/or Nymphs ➝ Merope Merope was said to have been so ashamed of her husband’s crimes that she hid her face amongst the stars of heaven, and so the seventh star of the Pleiades faded away
rhaegartarqaryen-deactivated201: Mythology Meme: (3/6) Muses and/or Nymphs ➝ Merope Merope was said to have been so ashamed of her husband’s crimes that she hid her face amongst the stars of heaven, and so the seventh star of the Pleiades faded away
rhaegartarqaryen-deactivated201: Mythology Meme: (3/6) Muses and/or Nymphs ➝ Merope Merope was said to have been so ashamed of her husband’s crimes that she hid her face amongst the stars of heaven, and so the seventh star of the Pleiades faded away