theruleset: 10 straight minutes. It takes Daisy all of 10 minutes to make her bed and tidy up her room, which she failed to do in spite of our agreement. As a result, she spent a very different and difficult 10 minutes (at that same pace) over my knee.
theruleset: 10 straight minutes. It takes Daisy all of 10 minutes to make her bed and tidy up her room, which she failed to do in spite of our agreement. As a result, she spent a very different and difficult 10 minutes (at that same pace) over my knee.
theruleset: 10 straight minutes. It takes Daisy all of 10 minutes to make her bed and tidy up her room, which she failed to do in spite of our agreement. As a result, she spent a very different and difficult 10 minutes (at that same pace) over my knee.