victoriousvocabulary: ASTROGENESIS[noun]1. the origin of the stars.2. the belief that all living things are made from star dust.Etymology: Greek astro (combining form of ástron - a star, constellation) + génesis (origin, source).[Jungho Lee]
victoriousvocabulary: ASTROGENESIS[noun]1. the origin of the stars.2. the belief that all living things are made from star dust.Etymology: Greek astro (combining form of ástron - a star, constellation) + génesis (origin, source).[Jungho Lee]
victoriousvocabulary: ASTROGENESIS[noun]1. the origin of the stars.2. the belief that all living things are made from star dust.Etymology: Greek astro (combining form of ástron - a star, constellation) + génesis (origin, source).[Jungho Lee]