victoriousvocabulary: FELINE [adjective] 1. belonging or pertaining to the cat family, Felidae. 2. catlike; characteristic of animals of the cat family. 3. sly, stealthy, or treacherous. [noun] 4. an animal of the cat family. Etymology: from Latin
victoriousvocabulary: FELINE [adjective] 1. belonging or pertaining to the cat family, Felidae. 2. catlike; characteristic of animals of the cat family. 3. sly, stealthy, or treacherous. [noun] 4. an animal of the cat family. Etymology: from Latin
victoriousvocabulary: FELINE [adjective] 1. belonging or pertaining to the cat family, Felidae. 2. catlike; characteristic of animals of the cat family. 3. sly, stealthy, or treacherous. [noun] 4. an animal of the cat family. Etymology: from Latin
victoriousvocabulary: FELINE [adjective] 1. belonging or pertaining to the cat family, Felidae. 2. catlike; characteristic of animals of the cat family. 3. sly, stealthy, or treacherous. [noun] 4. an animal of the cat family. Etymology: from Latin