cvlwr: “There was some debate whether to have this moment of memory loss. But it just works so well, in terms of [how] everything is being taken from Steve. Even his one friend is ceasing to exist before his eyes.” - Captain America: The
cvlwr: “There was some debate whether to have this moment of memory loss. But it just works so well, in terms of [how] everything is being taken from Steve. Even his one friend is ceasing to exist before his eyes.” - Captain America: The
cvlwr: “There was some debate whether to have this moment of memory loss. But it just works so well, in terms of [how] everything is being taken from Steve. Even his one friend is ceasing to exist before his eyes.” - Captain America: The
cvlwr: “There was some debate whether to have this moment of memory loss. But it just works so well, in terms of [how] everything is being taken from Steve. Even his one friend is ceasing to exist before his eyes.” - Captain America: The