richardsala: A couple of ad pages from early issues of EVIL EYE! (Sorry — I think all issues are long sold out from Fantagraphics, so you shouldn’t order from these posted pages unless you have the ability to travel through time).
richardsala: A couple of ad pages from early issues of EVIL EYE! (Sorry — I think all issues are long sold out from Fantagraphics, so you shouldn’t order from these posted pages unless you have the ability to travel through time).
richardsala: A couple of ad pages from early issues of EVIL EYE! (Sorry — I think all issues are long sold out from Fantagraphics, so you shouldn’t order from these posted pages unless you have the ability to travel through time).
richardsala: A couple of ad pages from early issues of EVIL EYE! (Sorry — I think all issues are long sold out from Fantagraphics, so you shouldn’t order from these posted pages unless you have the ability to travel through time).