deaths-praises: kill-er—queen: amandaapparel: rubyreed: Jealous of the flawless curves and perfect proportions of plus-sized models? Don’t be — many of them wear padding for photoshoots. This makes me angry on a whole new level. Grr.
deaths-praises: kill-er—queen: amandaapparel: rubyreed: Jealous of the flawless curves and perfect proportions of plus-sized models? Don’t be — many of them wear padding for photoshoots. This makes me angry on a whole new level. Grr.
deaths-praises: kill-er—queen: amandaapparel: rubyreed: Jealous of the flawless curves and perfect proportions of plus-sized models? Don’t be — many of them wear padding for photoshoots. This makes me angry on a whole new level. Grr.
deaths-praises: kill-er—queen: amandaapparel: rubyreed: Jealous of the flawless curves and perfect proportions of plus-sized models? Don’t be — many of them wear padding for photoshoots. This makes me angry on a whole new level. Grr.
deaths-praises: kill-er—queen: amandaapparel: rubyreed: Jealous of the flawless curves and perfect proportions of plus-sized models? Don’t be — many of them wear padding for photoshoots. This makes me angry on a whole new level. Grr.
deaths-praises: kill-er—queen: amandaapparel: rubyreed: Jealous of the flawless curves and perfect proportions of plus-sized models? Don’t be — many of them wear padding for photoshoots. This makes me angry on a whole new level. Grr.
deaths-praises: kill-er—queen: amandaapparel: rubyreed: Jealous of the flawless curves and perfect proportions of plus-sized models? Don’t be — many of them wear padding for photoshoots. This makes me angry on a whole new level. Grr.
deaths-praises: kill-er—queen: amandaapparel: rubyreed: Jealous of the flawless curves and perfect proportions of plus-sized models? Don’t be — many of them wear padding for photoshoots. This makes me angry on a whole new level. Grr.