shychemist: queen-oberon: shychemist: !!! Read more here: Dakota Access Pipeline Denied Near Sioux Reservation I’m not seeing a lot of other sources confirming this out there. Can anyone else confirm? US media: Construction of Dakota access pipeline
shychemist: queen-oberon: shychemist: !!! Read more here: Dakota Access Pipeline Denied Near Sioux Reservation I’m not seeing a lot of other sources confirming this out there. Can anyone else confirm? US media: Construction of Dakota access pipeline
shychemist: queen-oberon: shychemist: !!! Read more here: Dakota Access Pipeline Denied Near Sioux Reservation I’m not seeing a lot of other sources confirming this out there. Can anyone else confirm? US media: Construction of Dakota access pipeline
shychemist: queen-oberon: shychemist: !!! Read more here: Dakota Access Pipeline Denied Near Sioux Reservation I’m not seeing a lot of other sources confirming this out there. Can anyone else confirm? US media: Construction of Dakota access pipeline