tymorrowland: deadrockstars: reasons to love BOB’S BURGERSnot racist!not sexist!not homophobic!no offensive and rude jokes about people that aren’t white!! cute and original concept!endearing characters!!! SERIOUSLY ALL OF THEMlovely songs!!it
tymorrowland: deadrockstars: reasons to love BOB’S BURGERSnot racist!not sexist!not homophobic!no offensive and rude jokes about people that aren’t white!! cute and original concept!endearing characters!!! SERIOUSLY ALL OF THEMlovely songs!!it
tymorrowland: deadrockstars: reasons to love BOB’S BURGERSnot racist!not sexist!not homophobic!no offensive and rude jokes about people that aren’t white!! cute and original concept!endearing characters!!! SERIOUSLY ALL OF THEMlovely songs!!it