strugglingtobeheard: atane: diokpara: yangsharperavery: feistyfrank: coochielatte: this was one of them moments from your childhood when you keep acting up at a family function and your aunts and uncles try to tell you to stop but it’s too late
strugglingtobeheard: atane: diokpara: yangsharperavery: feistyfrank: coochielatte: this was one of them moments from your childhood when you keep acting up at a family function and your aunts and uncles try to tell you to stop but it’s too late
strugglingtobeheard: atane: diokpara: yangsharperavery: feistyfrank: coochielatte: this was one of them moments from your childhood when you keep acting up at a family function and your aunts and uncles try to tell you to stop but it’s too late