bitterseafigtree: the-unfriendlyblackhottie: Why isn’t “3rd day of my period” a legitimate excuse from classes? I have a headache, my cramps kept me from sleeping last night are are still going strong and I’ve felt nauseous for a week. Ya’ll
bitterseafigtree: the-unfriendlyblackhottie: Why isn’t “3rd day of my period” a legitimate excuse from classes? I have a headache, my cramps kept me from sleeping last night are are still going strong and I’ve felt nauseous for a week. Ya’ll
bitterseafigtree: the-unfriendlyblackhottie: Why isn’t “3rd day of my period” a legitimate excuse from classes? I have a headache, my cramps kept me from sleeping last night are are still going strong and I’ve felt nauseous for a week. Ya’ll