ahencyclopedia: ENKI IN ANCIENT LITERATURE: ENKI is a god of Sumerian mythology and, later in time, known as Ea in Babylonian mythology. He was the deity of sweet water, crafts, creation, intelligence, the god of wisdom and of all magic, and was
ahencyclopedia: ENKI IN ANCIENT LITERATURE: ENKI is a god of Sumerian mythology and, later in time, known as Ea in Babylonian mythology. He was the deity of sweet water, crafts, creation, intelligence, the god of wisdom and of all magic, and was
ahencyclopedia: ENKI IN ANCIENT LITERATURE: ENKI is a god of Sumerian mythology and, later in time, known as Ea in Babylonian mythology. He was the deity of sweet water, crafts, creation, intelligence, the god of wisdom and of all magic, and was
ahencyclopedia: ENKI IN ANCIENT LITERATURE: ENKI is a god of Sumerian mythology and, later in time, known as Ea in Babylonian mythology. He was the deity of sweet water, crafts, creation, intelligence, the god of wisdom and of all magic, and was
ahencyclopedia: ENKI IN ANCIENT LITERATURE: ENKI is a god of Sumerian mythology and, later in time, known as Ea in Babylonian mythology. He was the deity of sweet water, crafts, creation, intelligence, the god of wisdom and of all magic, and was