hobbitwalkingparty: Like congrats, you got back your mountain, but you also succeeded in waking the dragon and royally pissing him off. at least you looked really majestic in that wheel-barrow.
hobbitwalkingparty: Like congrats, you got back your mountain, but you also succeeded in waking the dragon and royally pissing him off. at least you looked really majestic in that wheel-barrow.
hobbitwalkingparty: Like congrats, you got back your mountain, but you also succeeded in waking the dragon and royally pissing him off. at least you looked really majestic in that wheel-barrow.
hobbitwalkingparty: Like congrats, you got back your mountain, but you also succeeded in waking the dragon and royally pissing him off. at least you looked really majestic in that wheel-barrow.