tainted-petals: Finished my treehouses and wanted to show them off. Here’s what’s in each ‘house’ 1. Main House with smithing2.Music Room w/ jukebox and music box3.Combination Alchemy room w/ Nether Portal, cauldron, potion station and gubbin
tainted-petals: Finished my treehouses and wanted to show them off. Here’s what’s in each ‘house’ 1. Main House with smithing2.Music Room w/ jukebox and music box3.Combination Alchemy room w/ Nether Portal, cauldron, potion station and gubbin
tainted-petals: Finished my treehouses and wanted to show them off. Here’s what’s in each ‘house’ 1. Main House with smithing2.Music Room w/ jukebox and music box3.Combination Alchemy room w/ Nether Portal, cauldron, potion station and gubbin
tainted-petals: Finished my treehouses and wanted to show them off. Here’s what’s in each ‘house’ 1. Main House with smithing2.Music Room w/ jukebox and music box3.Combination Alchemy room w/ Nether Portal, cauldron, potion station and gubbin
tainted-petals: Finished my treehouses and wanted to show them off. Here’s what’s in each ‘house’ 1. Main House with smithing2.Music Room w/ jukebox and music box3.Combination Alchemy room w/ Nether Portal, cauldron, potion station and gubbin
tainted-petals: Finished my treehouses and wanted to show them off. Here’s what’s in each ‘house’ 1. Main House with smithing2.Music Room w/ jukebox and music box3.Combination Alchemy room w/ Nether Portal, cauldron, potion station and gubbin
tainted-petals: Finished my treehouses and wanted to show them off. Here’s what’s in each ‘house’ 1. Main House with smithing2.Music Room w/ jukebox and music box3.Combination Alchemy room w/ Nether Portal, cauldron, potion station and gubbin
tainted-petals: Finished my treehouses and wanted to show them off. Here’s what’s in each ‘house’ 1. Main House with smithing2.Music Room w/ jukebox and music box3.Combination Alchemy room w/ Nether Portal, cauldron, potion station and gubbin
tainted-petals: Finished my treehouses and wanted to show them off. Here’s what’s in each ‘house’ 1. Main House with smithing2.Music Room w/ jukebox and music box3.Combination Alchemy room w/ Nether Portal, cauldron, potion station and gubbin
tainted-petals: Finished my treehouses and wanted to show them off. Here’s what’s in each ‘house’ 1. Main House with smithing2.Music Room w/ jukebox and music box3.Combination Alchemy room w/ Nether Portal, cauldron, potion station and gubbin
tainted-petals: Finished my treehouses and wanted to show them off. Here’s what’s in each ‘house’ 1. Main House with smithing2.Music Room w/ jukebox and music box3.Combination Alchemy room w/ Nether Portal, cauldron, potion station and gubbin