bcarter24: thing4dom: Master Trent posted an ad on craigslist. Something about a cocky white boy with a superior attitude needing to be taught a lesson on what good breeding is all about. This man, who used the ski mask provided, was the first to
bcarter24: thing4dom: Master Trent posted an ad on craigslist. Something about a cocky white boy with a superior attitude needing to be taught a lesson on what good breeding is all about. This man, who used the ski mask provided, was the first to
bcarter24: thing4dom: Master Trent posted an ad on craigslist. Something about a cocky white boy with a superior attitude needing to be taught a lesson on what good breeding is all about. This man, who used the ski mask provided, was the first to
bcarter24: thing4dom: Master Trent posted an ad on craigslist. Something about a cocky white boy with a superior attitude needing to be taught a lesson on what good breeding is all about. This man, who used the ski mask provided, was the first to