phoebesfavpeople: dahliasheng: And here we have Crowley, the longest-surviving villain on Supernatural. Long live the King. Well, of course, he’s actually the only one who didn’t underestimate those denim-wrapped nightmares!
phoebesfavpeople: dahliasheng: And here we have Crowley, the longest-surviving villain on Supernatural. Long live the King. Well, of course, he’s actually the only one who didn’t underestimate those denim-wrapped nightmares!
phoebesfavpeople: dahliasheng: And here we have Crowley, the longest-surviving villain on Supernatural. Long live the King. Well, of course, he’s actually the only one who didn’t underestimate those denim-wrapped nightmares!
phoebesfavpeople: dahliasheng: And here we have Crowley, the longest-surviving villain on Supernatural. Long live the King. Well, of course, he’s actually the only one who didn’t underestimate those denim-wrapped nightmares!
phoebesfavpeople: dahliasheng: And here we have Crowley, the longest-surviving villain on Supernatural. Long live the King. Well, of course, he’s actually the only one who didn’t underestimate those denim-wrapped nightmares!
phoebesfavpeople: dahliasheng: And here we have Crowley, the longest-surviving villain on Supernatural. Long live the King. Well, of course, he’s actually the only one who didn’t underestimate those denim-wrapped nightmares!
phoebesfavpeople: dahliasheng: And here we have Crowley, the longest-surviving villain on Supernatural. Long live the King. Well, of course, he’s actually the only one who didn’t underestimate those denim-wrapped nightmares!
phoebesfavpeople: dahliasheng: And here we have Crowley, the longest-surviving villain on Supernatural. Long live the King. Well, of course, he’s actually the only one who didn’t underestimate those denim-wrapped nightmares!