schlampewife: I watched 50 Shades of Grey last night. Is it me or was that the most overrated sex movie ever? It was terrible in every way, the story sucks, the cinematography was awful and it was way to tame.I don’t know if the book is any better
schlampewife: I watched 50 Shades of Grey last night. Is it me or was that the most overrated sex movie ever? It was terrible in every way, the story sucks, the cinematography was awful and it was way to tame.I don’t know if the book is any better
schlampewife: I watched 50 Shades of Grey last night. Is it me or was that the most overrated sex movie ever? It was terrible in every way, the story sucks, the cinematography was awful and it was way to tame.I don’t know if the book is any better