adelexvang: HEHEHEHEHE, this girl. I too find this offending. Sigh, omfg. Clearly she has not had a boyfriend. If she has, then damn, she must’ve had a horrible experience. I hope one day some guy will come along and prove you wrong. Then you can see
adelexvang: HEHEHEHEHE, this girl. I too find this offending. Sigh, omfg. Clearly she has not had a boyfriend. If she has, then damn, she must’ve had a horrible experience. I hope one day some guy will come along and prove you wrong. Then you can see
adelexvang: HEHEHEHEHE, this girl. I too find this offending. Sigh, omfg. Clearly she has not had a boyfriend. If she has, then damn, she must’ve had a horrible experience. I hope one day some guy will come along and prove you wrong. Then you can see
adelexvang: HEHEHEHEHE, this girl. I too find this offending. Sigh, omfg. Clearly she has not had a boyfriend. If she has, then damn, she must’ve had a horrible experience. I hope one day some guy will come along and prove you wrong. Then you can see