pleasegetmepregnant: Prison guards produce the best children, since they’re strong, alpha pairs. It’s best if you’re in prison to just let it happen, since there is certainty of strong genes fucked into your insides.
pleasegetmepregnant: Prison guards produce the best children, since they’re strong, alpha pairs. It’s best if you’re in prison to just let it happen, since there is certainty of strong genes fucked into your insides.
pleasegetmepregnant: Prison guards produce the best children, since they’re strong, alpha pairs. It’s best if you’re in prison to just let it happen, since there is certainty of strong genes fucked into your insides.
pleasegetmepregnant: Prison guards produce the best children, since they’re strong, alpha pairs. It’s best if you’re in prison to just let it happen, since there is certainty of strong genes fucked into your insides.