Amira Casar, French actress who performed on stage and on screen internationally. She also worked as a model for Chanel and Jean-Paul Gaultier. She is the daughter of a Russian opera singer. Top picture: Peindre ou faire l'amour (aka To Paint or Make
Amira Casar, French actress who performed on stage and on screen internationally. She also worked as a model for Chanel and Jean-Paul Gaultier. She is the daughter of a Russian opera singer. Top picture: Peindre ou faire l'amour (aka To Paint or Make
Amira Casar, French actress who performed on stage and on screen internationally. She also worked as a model for Chanel and Jean-Paul Gaultier. She is the daughter of a Russian opera singer. Top picture: Peindre ou faire l'amour (aka To Paint or Make