You know what’s more stressful than possibly living paycheck to paycheck, possibly having to buy a new car, possibly have my father in law drive me home to Colorado? Having my husband not talk to me about any of this shit because it stresses him
You know what’s more stressful than possibly living paycheck to paycheck, possibly having to buy a new car, possibly have my father in law drive me home to Colorado? Having my husband not talk to me about any of this shit because it stresses him
You know what’s more stressful than possibly living paycheck to paycheck, possibly having to buy a new car, possibly have my father in law drive me home to Colorado? Having my husband not talk to me about any of this shit because it stresses him
You know what’s more stressful than possibly living paycheck to paycheck, possibly having to buy a new car, possibly have my father in law drive me home to Colorado? Having my husband not talk to me about any of this shit because it stresses him
You know what’s more stressful than possibly living paycheck to paycheck, possibly having to buy a new car, possibly have my father in law drive me home to Colorado? Having my husband not talk to me about any of this shit because it stresses him
You know what’s more stressful than possibly living paycheck to paycheck, possibly having to buy a new car, possibly have my father in law drive me home to Colorado? Having my husband not talk to me about any of this shit because it stresses him
You know what’s more stressful than possibly living paycheck to paycheck, possibly having to buy a new car, possibly have my father in law drive me home to Colorado? Having my husband not talk to me about any of this shit because it stresses him
You know what’s more stressful than possibly living paycheck to paycheck, possibly having to buy a new car, possibly have my father in law drive me home to Colorado? Having my husband not talk to me about any of this shit because it stresses him
You know what’s more stressful than possibly living paycheck to paycheck, possibly having to buy a new car, possibly have my father in law drive me home to Colorado? Having my husband not talk to me about any of this shit because it stresses him
You know what’s more stressful than possibly living paycheck to paycheck, possibly having to buy a new car, possibly have my father in law drive me home to Colorado? Having my husband not talk to me about any of this shit because it stresses him