targaaryenn: If you give them your love, they will return it a thousandfold. I’ve spoken with them. I know how they feel about you. You led the defense of King’s Landing. They adore you.
targaaryenn: If you give them your love, they will return it a thousandfold. I’ve spoken with them. I know how they feel about you. You led the defense of King’s Landing. They adore you.
targaaryenn: If you give them your love, they will return it a thousandfold. I’ve spoken with them. I know how they feel about you. You led the defense of King’s Landing. They adore you.
targaaryenn: If you give them your love, they will return it a thousandfold. I’ve spoken with them. I know how they feel about you. You led the defense of King’s Landing. They adore you.
targaaryenn: If you give them your love, they will return it a thousandfold. I’ve spoken with them. I know how they feel about you. You led the defense of King’s Landing. They adore you.