It’s getting to the point where writing a page, then deleting it and rewriting one paragraph counts as progress :/ This sucks, because I already love one of my main characters and she’s not even real yet.
It’s getting to the point where writing a page, then deleting it and rewriting one paragraph counts as progress :/ This sucks, because I already love one of my main characters and she’s not even real yet.
It’s getting to the point where writing a page, then deleting it and rewriting one paragraph counts as progress :/ This sucks, because I already love one of my main characters and she’s not even real yet.
It’s getting to the point where writing a page, then deleting it and rewriting one paragraph counts as progress :/ This sucks, because I already love one of my main characters and she’s not even real yet.
It’s getting to the point where writing a page, then deleting it and rewriting one paragraph counts as progress :/ This sucks, because I already love one of my main characters and she’s not even real yet.
It’s getting to the point where writing a page, then deleting it and rewriting one paragraph counts as progress :/ This sucks, because I already love one of my main characters and she’s not even real yet.
It’s getting to the point where writing a page, then deleting it and rewriting one paragraph counts as progress :/ This sucks, because I already love one of my main characters and she’s not even real yet.
It’s getting to the point where writing a page, then deleting it and rewriting one paragraph counts as progress :/ This sucks, because I already love one of my main characters and she’s not even real yet.
It’s getting to the point where writing a page, then deleting it and rewriting one paragraph counts as progress :/ This sucks, because I already love one of my main characters and she’s not even real yet.
It’s getting to the point where writing a page, then deleting it and rewriting one paragraph counts as progress :/ This sucks, because I already love one of my main characters and she’s not even real yet.