jenniferlawrencedaily: ❝She speaks her mind. If she’s unhappy, she says so. If she’s happy, she says so. She doesn’t take anyone’s bullshit – excuse my French. She’s so normal. She wins an Oscar and the first thing she does is put her finger
jenniferlawrencedaily: ❝She speaks her mind. If she’s unhappy, she says so. If she’s happy, she says so. She doesn’t take anyone’s bullshit – excuse my French. She’s so normal. She wins an Oscar and the first thing she does is put her finger
jenniferlawrencedaily: ❝She speaks her mind. If she’s unhappy, she says so. If she’s happy, she says so. She doesn’t take anyone’s bullshit – excuse my French. She’s so normal. She wins an Oscar and the first thing she does is put her finger