bycrookedsteps: groupienights: “john lennon was a wife beater and racist why do u like him!! whats wrong with u!!!” b i t c h where are your receipts fucking show me i know everything about this man and his fucking band pull out the goddamn receipts
bycrookedsteps: groupienights: “john lennon was a wife beater and racist why do u like him!! whats wrong with u!!!” b i t c h where are your receipts fucking show me i know everything about this man and his fucking band pull out the goddamn receipts
bycrookedsteps: groupienights: “john lennon was a wife beater and racist why do u like him!! whats wrong with u!!!” b i t c h where are your receipts fucking show me i know everything about this man and his fucking band pull out the goddamn receipts