the-vedder-effect: 50 YEARS OF VEDDER “The way I look at it is this. On average, we have maybe 50 to 60 years on the planet. And we probably have 20 years when we’re a vital presence, when you can actually do something with your life. So what
the-vedder-effect: 50 YEARS OF VEDDER “The way I look at it is this. On average, we have maybe 50 to 60 years on the planet. And we probably have 20 years when we’re a vital presence, when you can actually do something with your life. So what
the-vedder-effect: 50 YEARS OF VEDDER “The way I look at it is this. On average, we have maybe 50 to 60 years on the planet. And we probably have 20 years when we’re a vital presence, when you can actually do something with your life. So what
the-vedder-effect: 50 YEARS OF VEDDER “The way I look at it is this. On average, we have maybe 50 to 60 years on the planet. And we probably have 20 years when we’re a vital presence, when you can actually do something with your life. So what
the-vedder-effect: 50 YEARS OF VEDDER “The way I look at it is this. On average, we have maybe 50 to 60 years on the planet. And we probably have 20 years when we’re a vital presence, when you can actually do something with your life. So what
the-vedder-effect: 50 YEARS OF VEDDER “The way I look at it is this. On average, we have maybe 50 to 60 years on the planet. And we probably have 20 years when we’re a vital presence, when you can actually do something with your life. So what