anchors-awaysailor: Things Girls Have To Do In The Shower: -shave -shampoo hair -condition hair -wash the face (have you ever tried to get makeup off) -wash the body -try to get conditioner out & fail to get it all out -did i mention shave that
anchors-awaysailor: Things Girls Have To Do In The Shower: -shave -shampoo hair -condition hair -wash the face (have you ever tried to get makeup off) -wash the body -try to get conditioner out & fail to get it all out -did i mention shave that
anchors-awaysailor: Things Girls Have To Do In The Shower: -shave -shampoo hair -condition hair -wash the face (have you ever tried to get makeup off) -wash the body -try to get conditioner out & fail to get it all out -did i mention shave that