megarah-moon: “Precious light is protected, harbored in the souls of unicorns, the most mystical of all creatures. There’s no creature with more power or magic. As long as they roam the earth, evil cannot harm the pure of heart.“ -Legend (1985)
megarah-moon: “Precious light is protected, harbored in the souls of unicorns, the most mystical of all creatures. There’s no creature with more power or magic. As long as they roam the earth, evil cannot harm the pure of heart.“ -Legend (1985)
megarah-moon: “Precious light is protected, harbored in the souls of unicorns, the most mystical of all creatures. There’s no creature with more power or magic. As long as they roam the earth, evil cannot harm the pure of heart.“ -Legend (1985)
megarah-moon: “Precious light is protected, harbored in the souls of unicorns, the most mystical of all creatures. There’s no creature with more power or magic. As long as they roam the earth, evil cannot harm the pure of heart.“ -Legend (1985)
megarah-moon: “Precious light is protected, harbored in the souls of unicorns, the most mystical of all creatures. There’s no creature with more power or magic. As long as they roam the earth, evil cannot harm the pure of heart.“ -Legend (1985)