commanderchrist: Charmin uses shock imagery to sell their product. “hey, let’s have a bear hunched over look at it’s toilet paper shard covered ass. they won’t go back to 2-ply again!” fuck shitty scare tactics man
commanderchrist: Charmin uses shock imagery to sell their product. “hey, let’s have a bear hunched over look at it’s toilet paper shard covered ass. they won’t go back to 2-ply again!” fuck shitty scare tactics man
commanderchrist: Charmin uses shock imagery to sell their product. “hey, let’s have a bear hunched over look at it’s toilet paper shard covered ass. they won’t go back to 2-ply again!” fuck shitty scare tactics man
commanderchrist: Charmin uses shock imagery to sell their product. “hey, let’s have a bear hunched over look at it’s toilet paper shard covered ass. they won’t go back to 2-ply again!” fuck shitty scare tactics man
commanderchrist: Charmin uses shock imagery to sell their product. “hey, let’s have a bear hunched over look at it’s toilet paper shard covered ass. they won’t go back to 2-ply again!” fuck shitty scare tactics man
commanderchrist: Charmin uses shock imagery to sell their product. “hey, let’s have a bear hunched over look at it’s toilet paper shard covered ass. they won’t go back to 2-ply again!” fuck shitty scare tactics man
commanderchrist: Charmin uses shock imagery to sell their product. “hey, let’s have a bear hunched over look at it’s toilet paper shard covered ass. they won’t go back to 2-ply again!” fuck shitty scare tactics man
commanderchrist: Charmin uses shock imagery to sell their product. “hey, let’s have a bear hunched over look at it’s toilet paper shard covered ass. they won’t go back to 2-ply again!” fuck shitty scare tactics man
commanderchrist: Charmin uses shock imagery to sell their product. “hey, let’s have a bear hunched over look at it’s toilet paper shard covered ass. they won’t go back to 2-ply again!” fuck shitty scare tactics man
commanderchrist: Charmin uses shock imagery to sell their product. “hey, let’s have a bear hunched over look at it’s toilet paper shard covered ass. they won’t go back to 2-ply again!” fuck shitty scare tactics man
commanderchrist: Charmin uses shock imagery to sell their product. “hey, let’s have a bear hunched over look at it’s toilet paper shard covered ass. they won’t go back to 2-ply again!” fuck shitty scare tactics man