goodpositivitylgbt: to any and all lgbt+ people out there, in light of recent events: please, please do what you must to stay safe and take care of yourself. you are valid and incredible, your existence is wonderful, and i am so proud of you for being
goodpositivitylgbt: to any and all lgbt+ people out there, in light of recent events: please, please do what you must to stay safe and take care of yourself. you are valid and incredible, your existence is wonderful, and i am so proud of you for being
goodpositivitylgbt: to any and all lgbt+ people out there, in light of recent events: please, please do what you must to stay safe and take care of yourself. you are valid and incredible, your existence is wonderful, and i am so proud of you for being
goodpositivitylgbt: to any and all lgbt+ people out there, in light of recent events: please, please do what you must to stay safe and take care of yourself. you are valid and incredible, your existence is wonderful, and i am so proud of you for being