blackness-by-your-side: It IS their land, by treaty, after all. And Bernie is the only one who doesn’t want to listen to “both sides” he just openly supports Native Americans.
blackness-by-your-side: It IS their land, by treaty, after all. And Bernie is the only one who doesn’t want to listen to “both sides” he just openly supports Native Americans.
blackness-by-your-side: It IS their land, by treaty, after all. And Bernie is the only one who doesn’t want to listen to “both sides” he just openly supports Native Americans.
blackness-by-your-side: It IS their land, by treaty, after all. And Bernie is the only one who doesn’t want to listen to “both sides” he just openly supports Native Americans.
blackness-by-your-side: It IS their land, by treaty, after all. And Bernie is the only one who doesn’t want to listen to “both sides” he just openly supports Native Americans.
blackness-by-your-side: It IS their land, by treaty, after all. And Bernie is the only one who doesn’t want to listen to “both sides” he just openly supports Native Americans.
blackness-by-your-side: It IS their land, by treaty, after all. And Bernie is the only one who doesn’t want to listen to “both sides” he just openly supports Native Americans.