vonkriegg: araenis: twosidedsana: araenis: (( Is it weird that I get a certain kick out of just wandering around Silvermoon and seeing characters in-game that I’ve seen on tumblr? I’ll just see them and be like “OH! I’ve seen you RP on tumblr!”
vonkriegg: araenis: twosidedsana: araenis: (( Is it weird that I get a certain kick out of just wandering around Silvermoon and seeing characters in-game that I’ve seen on tumblr? I’ll just see them and be like “OH! I’ve seen you RP on tumblr!”
vonkriegg: araenis: twosidedsana: araenis: (( Is it weird that I get a certain kick out of just wandering around Silvermoon and seeing characters in-game that I’ve seen on tumblr? I’ll just see them and be like “OH! I’ve seen you RP on tumblr!”
vonkriegg: araenis: twosidedsana: araenis: (( Is it weird that I get a certain kick out of just wandering around Silvermoon and seeing characters in-game that I’ve seen on tumblr? I’ll just see them and be like “OH! I’ve seen you RP on tumblr!”