mainlyusedforwalking: While I like the legs in that first one, you can tell I’m not totally into it at that point. I was waaaaay too eager to get to the next bit. Mebbe I post some of that tomorrow ^^
mainlyusedforwalking: While I like the legs in that first one, you can tell I’m not totally into it at that point. I was waaaaay too eager to get to the next bit. Mebbe I post some of that tomorrow ^^
mainlyusedforwalking: While I like the legs in that first one, you can tell I’m not totally into it at that point. I was waaaaay too eager to get to the next bit. Mebbe I post some of that tomorrow ^^
mainlyusedforwalking: While I like the legs in that first one, you can tell I’m not totally into it at that point. I was waaaaay too eager to get to the next bit. Mebbe I post some of that tomorrow ^^