mainlyusedforwalking: Are you hanging up your stockings on the wall? Because I’m wearing mine. If some guy in a fancy suit wants to fill them he’ll have to take them off of me first ^^ Also, apparently I’m a giant. Rawr, attack of the 50 foot trap.
mainlyusedforwalking: Are you hanging up your stockings on the wall? Because I’m wearing mine. If some guy in a fancy suit wants to fill them he’ll have to take them off of me first ^^ Also, apparently I’m a giant. Rawr, attack of the 50 foot trap.
mainlyusedforwalking: Are you hanging up your stockings on the wall? Because I’m wearing mine. If some guy in a fancy suit wants to fill them he’ll have to take them off of me first ^^ Also, apparently I’m a giant. Rawr, attack of the 50 foot trap.
mainlyusedforwalking: Are you hanging up your stockings on the wall? Because I’m wearing mine. If some guy in a fancy suit wants to fill them he’ll have to take them off of me first ^^ Also, apparently I’m a giant. Rawr, attack of the 50 foot trap.