mainlyusedforwalking: And in he goes. Someone asked yesterday if this dildo had a name. I’d honestly never thought about it before, but I guess it’s “the purple one”. My other two purple one’s being “the little vibrator” and “the big
mainlyusedforwalking: And in he goes. Someone asked yesterday if this dildo had a name. I’d honestly never thought about it before, but I guess it’s “the purple one”. My other two purple one’s being “the little vibrator” and “the big
mainlyusedforwalking: And in he goes. Someone asked yesterday if this dildo had a name. I’d honestly never thought about it before, but I guess it’s “the purple one”. My other two purple one’s being “the little vibrator” and “the big
mainlyusedforwalking: And in he goes. Someone asked yesterday if this dildo had a name. I’d honestly never thought about it before, but I guess it’s “the purple one”. My other two purple one’s being “the little vibrator” and “the big