prettypieceofass: collaredlez: Showing due diligence in her duties. Not merely a duty. This is a privilege. Being allowed to worship your Superiors in such an intimate way is something to be cherished. Work for it. Earn it. Beg for it. I know I
prettypieceofass: collaredlez: Showing due diligence in her duties. Not merely a duty. This is a privilege. Being allowed to worship your Superiors in such an intimate way is something to be cherished. Work for it. Earn it. Beg for it. I know I
prettypieceofass: collaredlez: Showing due diligence in her duties. Not merely a duty. This is a privilege. Being allowed to worship your Superiors in such an intimate way is something to be cherished. Work for it. Earn it. Beg for it. I know I
prettypieceofass: collaredlez: Showing due diligence in her duties. Not merely a duty. This is a privilege. Being allowed to worship your Superiors in such an intimate way is something to be cherished. Work for it. Earn it. Beg for it. I know I
prettypieceofass: collaredlez: Showing due diligence in her duties. Not merely a duty. This is a privilege. Being allowed to worship your Superiors in such an intimate way is something to be cherished. Work for it. Earn it. Beg for it. I know I
prettypieceofass: collaredlez: Showing due diligence in her duties. Not merely a duty. This is a privilege. Being allowed to worship your Superiors in such an intimate way is something to be cherished. Work for it. Earn it. Beg for it. I know I