httptsukiyamas: i love tsukiyama shuu so much [thousands of pictures of tsukiyama shuu spill out from jacket] why would i deny that i love tsukiyama shuu [hundreds of thousands of posters roll out from under bed] this is who i am. listen to me [hundreds
httptsukiyamas: i love tsukiyama shuu so much [thousands of pictures of tsukiyama shuu spill out from jacket] why would i deny that i love tsukiyama shuu [hundreds of thousands of posters roll out from under bed] this is who i am. listen to me [hundreds
httptsukiyamas: i love tsukiyama shuu so much [thousands of pictures of tsukiyama shuu spill out from jacket] why would i deny that i love tsukiyama shuu [hundreds of thousands of posters roll out from under bed] this is who i am. listen to me [hundreds