foreveralakeeffectovercast: I’m constantly stuck between periods of being like, “YEAH, I’M GONNA BECOME A GREAT ARTIST. I KNOW I CAN FUCKING DO THIS.” to “Oh my God, I suck at this. Literally everyone is better at this than me. I made the
foreveralakeeffectovercast: I’m constantly stuck between periods of being like, “YEAH, I’M GONNA BECOME A GREAT ARTIST. I KNOW I CAN FUCKING DO THIS.” to “Oh my God, I suck at this. Literally everyone is better at this than me. I made the
foreveralakeeffectovercast: I’m constantly stuck between periods of being like, “YEAH, I’M GONNA BECOME A GREAT ARTIST. I KNOW I CAN FUCKING DO THIS.” to “Oh my God, I suck at this. Literally everyone is better at this than me. I made the