firelorcl: the-doctors-rose: getoffmybloghoe: CAN I GET A HELL YEAH!?? *teacher voice* i dont know, can you? *sighs* “MAY I get a hell yeah?” *teacher voice* you should have gotten a hell yeah during the break before class started
firelorcl: the-doctors-rose: getoffmybloghoe: CAN I GET A HELL YEAH!?? *teacher voice* i dont know, can you? *sighs* “MAY I get a hell yeah?” *teacher voice* you should have gotten a hell yeah during the break before class started
firelorcl: the-doctors-rose: getoffmybloghoe: CAN I GET A HELL YEAH!?? *teacher voice* i dont know, can you? *sighs* “MAY I get a hell yeah?” *teacher voice* you should have gotten a hell yeah during the break before class started