spendon: a moment of silence for those who do not ship the main pairing in their fandom and thus are embittered every single time they scroll through their dashboard
spendon: a moment of silence for those who do not ship the main pairing in their fandom and thus are embittered every single time they scroll through their dashboard
spendon: a moment of silence for those who do not ship the main pairing in their fandom and thus are embittered every single time they scroll through their dashboard
spendon: a moment of silence for those who do not ship the main pairing in their fandom and thus are embittered every single time they scroll through their dashboard
spendon: a moment of silence for those who do not ship the main pairing in their fandom and thus are embittered every single time they scroll through their dashboard
spendon: a moment of silence for those who do not ship the main pairing in their fandom and thus are embittered every single time they scroll through their dashboard
spendon: a moment of silence for those who do not ship the main pairing in their fandom and thus are embittered every single time they scroll through their dashboard
spendon: a moment of silence for those who do not ship the main pairing in their fandom and thus are embittered every single time they scroll through their dashboard
spendon: a moment of silence for those who do not ship the main pairing in their fandom and thus are embittered every single time they scroll through their dashboard
spendon: a moment of silence for those who do not ship the main pairing in their fandom and thus are embittered every single time they scroll through their dashboard
spendon: a moment of silence for those who do not ship the main pairing in their fandom and thus are embittered every single time they scroll through their dashboard