grimdarkthroes: no spaghetti straps- BOYS WILL BE DISTRACTED!! no tight pants- BOYS CAN’T FOCUS! no shorts- BOYS WON’T BE ABLE TO LEARRRRRRN! Jesus christ if a woman’s body is so fucking distracting maybe we need to figure out a way to teach boys
grimdarkthroes: no spaghetti straps- BOYS WILL BE DISTRACTED!! no tight pants- BOYS CAN’T FOCUS! no shorts- BOYS WON’T BE ABLE TO LEARRRRRRN! Jesus christ if a woman’s body is so fucking distracting maybe we need to figure out a way to teach boys
grimdarkthroes: no spaghetti straps- BOYS WILL BE DISTRACTED!! no tight pants- BOYS CAN’T FOCUS! no shorts- BOYS WON’T BE ABLE TO LEARRRRRRN! Jesus christ if a woman’s body is so fucking distracting maybe we need to figure out a way to teach boys
grimdarkthroes: no spaghetti straps- BOYS WILL BE DISTRACTED!! no tight pants- BOYS CAN’T FOCUS! no shorts- BOYS WON’T BE ABLE TO LEARRRRRRN! Jesus christ if a woman’s body is so fucking distracting maybe we need to figure out a way to teach boys
grimdarkthroes: no spaghetti straps- BOYS WILL BE DISTRACTED!! no tight pants- BOYS CAN’T FOCUS! no shorts- BOYS WON’T BE ABLE TO LEARRRRRRN! Jesus christ if a woman’s body is so fucking distracting maybe we need to figure out a way to teach boys
grimdarkthroes: no spaghetti straps- BOYS WILL BE DISTRACTED!! no tight pants- BOYS CAN’T FOCUS! no shorts- BOYS WON’T BE ABLE TO LEARRRRRRN! Jesus christ if a woman’s body is so fucking distracting maybe we need to figure out a way to teach boys
grimdarkthroes: no spaghetti straps- BOYS WILL BE DISTRACTED!! no tight pants- BOYS CAN’T FOCUS! no shorts- BOYS WON’T BE ABLE TO LEARRRRRRN! Jesus christ if a woman’s body is so fucking distracting maybe we need to figure out a way to teach boys
grimdarkthroes: no spaghetti straps- BOYS WILL BE DISTRACTED!! no tight pants- BOYS CAN’T FOCUS! no shorts- BOYS WON’T BE ABLE TO LEARRRRRRN! Jesus christ if a woman’s body is so fucking distracting maybe we need to figure out a way to teach boys
grimdarkthroes: no spaghetti straps- BOYS WILL BE DISTRACTED!! no tight pants- BOYS CAN’T FOCUS! no shorts- BOYS WON’T BE ABLE TO LEARRRRRRN! Jesus christ if a woman’s body is so fucking distracting maybe we need to figure out a way to teach boys
grimdarkthroes: no spaghetti straps- BOYS WILL BE DISTRACTED!! no tight pants- BOYS CAN’T FOCUS! no shorts- BOYS WON’T BE ABLE TO LEARRRRRRN! Jesus christ if a woman’s body is so fucking distracting maybe we need to figure out a way to teach boys
grimdarkthroes: no spaghetti straps- BOYS WILL BE DISTRACTED!! no tight pants- BOYS CAN’T FOCUS! no shorts- BOYS WON’T BE ABLE TO LEARRRRRRN! Jesus christ if a woman’s body is so fucking distracting maybe we need to figure out a way to teach boys