theruleset: After all that struggle before, I made sure to strap Jinx down nice and tight. She’d earned herself a painful fucking, and I wanted to make sure her bruises would be bad enough that she felt it every time I thrust into her. You can tell
theruleset: After all that struggle before, I made sure to strap Jinx down nice and tight. She’d earned herself a painful fucking, and I wanted to make sure her bruises would be bad enough that she felt it every time I thrust into her. You can tell
theruleset: After all that struggle before, I made sure to strap Jinx down nice and tight. She’d earned herself a painful fucking, and I wanted to make sure her bruises would be bad enough that she felt it every time I thrust into her. You can tell
theruleset: After all that struggle before, I made sure to strap Jinx down nice and tight. She’d earned herself a painful fucking, and I wanted to make sure her bruises would be bad enough that she felt it every time I thrust into her. You can tell