honeyxglow: codeddenominator: why do white people want to be opressed so bad? “I can’t wear dreads and say the N word and I got called a cracker once. The struggle of being white is real”
honeyxglow: codeddenominator: why do white people want to be opressed so bad? “I can’t wear dreads and say the N word and I got called a cracker once. The struggle of being white is real”
honeyxglow: codeddenominator: why do white people want to be opressed so bad? “I can’t wear dreads and say the N word and I got called a cracker once. The struggle of being white is real”
honeyxglow: codeddenominator: why do white people want to be opressed so bad? “I can’t wear dreads and say the N word and I got called a cracker once. The struggle of being white is real”
honeyxglow: codeddenominator: why do white people want to be opressed so bad? “I can’t wear dreads and say the N word and I got called a cracker once. The struggle of being white is real”