olowrider: I love it. Thanks Hantzgruber http://sfmlab.com/item/302/. I didn’t have time to do a new animation so I just reused the old one 1080p: (GIF) (Webm) http://gfycat.com/CourteousWholeAmurratsnake720p: (GIF) http://gfycat.com/ValuableQuarterlyCae
olowrider: I love it. Thanks Hantzgruber http://sfmlab.com/item/302/. I didn’t have time to do a new animation so I just reused the old one 1080p: (GIF) (Webm) http://gfycat.com/CourteousWholeAmurratsnake720p: (GIF) http://gfycat.com/ValuableQuarterlyCae