deemonseedworship: The Slave Shall become a vessel, Emptying himself with the extended “edging” so as to draw into himself greater and greater degrees or amounts of God-essence, of Cockenergy…
deemonseedworship: The Slave Shall become a vessel, Emptying himself with the extended “edging” so as to draw into himself greater and greater degrees or amounts of God-essence, of Cockenergy…
deemonseedworship: The Slave Shall become a vessel, Emptying himself with the extended “edging” so as to draw into himself greater and greater degrees or amounts of God-essence, of Cockenergy…
deemonseedworship: The Slave Shall become a vessel, Emptying himself with the extended “edging” so as to draw into himself greater and greater degrees or amounts of God-essence, of Cockenergy…